People started having less sex during the pandemic

People started having less sex during the pandemic

According to scientists, in order to increase sexual activity, people must become more flexible in relationships, and this applies to both partners.

Residents of Canada have become less likely to be attached to love joys according to a survey conducted by one of the local universities.

The reasons for the decrease in sexual activity include mental difficulties, a large amount of time spent alone (people meet less during self-isolation if we don't speak about family couples). Lonely people do not have the opportunity to look for someone. Social contacts in a pandemic are minimized. It is very difficult to find a couple and many people feel lonely.

This is a frustrating situation because people need this type of activity. It is important for them to have fun through sex. Lovemaking reduces the effects of stress, which is at its peak today. The more intimacy in a person's life, the more prosperous he is. Long-term lack of sex can lead to depression.

People need to be flexible in their relationships. The sexy scenario is like a sexy menu. When interacting with a partner, you can choose from the many options available. Find out what you like best on the sexy menu and be flexible.
