British expert named sex trends of 2020 and made a forecast for 2021

British expert named sex trends of 2020 and made a forecast for 2021

Tracy Cox, a sexologist from the UK, named the main sex trends for 2020 and suggested that the next year will be rich in experimentation.

A study conducted by one of the sex shops showed that in 2020, 52% of couples who took part in the survey decided to diversify their intimate life due to forced self-isolation.

The experiments may include role-playing games, sex in a car and making hidden desires come real. Moreover, 71% of respondents said that they intend to continue erotic experiments after the end of the pandemic.

The representatives of one dating site were surprised by the fact that in 2020 many people called themselves bisexual. In 2021, the number of people open to sex experiments is going to increase.

In addition, the number of searches in search engines concerning BDSM attributes has increased. In 2020, strap-on sales increased 200%. At the same time, 10% of 1000 women participating in the survey admitted that they used them during sex with partners. Another 10% said they would agree to try.

In addition, 66% of respondents admitted that communication with a partner is getting more important for them. 70% agree to virtual sex, 33% do not mind having relations on the distance.

According to the sexologist's forecast, in 2021, sex toys will be in trend: about a third of the survey participants purchased new gadgets in 2020. In addition, sales of toys for couples have increased significantly, although traditionally this category is not in high demand.

As Cox notes, due to the coronavirus pandemic, many people remembered about ex-partners. One out of 5 respondents said that he called or wrote to his or her ex. Also 25% of respondents said that their ex-partners tried to contact them. People mostly wanted to find out how the ex was doing.
